For Healthcare and Helping Professionals

Ready Sexy Able Resources

For Healthcare and Helping Professionals

Sexual Health an People Living With a Disability Sexual Health Information Networking and Education is the leading sexual health organization in South Australia, providing sex education, sexual health services, community education, and professional training. Their target populations include Aboriginal people, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) folks, people living with HIV, and people with disabilities. SHineSA has compiled this information to help healthcare providers, social service and support workers, and other helping professionals understand the sexual rights, and sexuality and relationship education needs, of children and adults with disabilities. Click here to learn: how to avoid stereotypes about disability, wy denying disabled children access to sexuality education is not only unfair, but dangerous, and what to do next to give disabled folks the tools to understand, access, and act on their sexuality if they choose.

Parenting Without Sight Far too many blind parents (and parents with other disabilities) wind up in court being asked to prove their ability to care for their children – in ways nondisabled parents are almost never challenged. This pamphlet, from the Blind Parents’ Interest Group of the National Federation of the Blind, was put together for lawyers and social workers, as a source of accurate knowledge about parenting while blind. Accurate information is your best starting point as a helping professional. Click here to read about how blind parents tackle everything from changing diapers to getting to medical appointments, to supervising the first bike ride.

Sexuality and Disability This international, peer-reviewed journal publishes research, scholarly commentary, and reviews relating to the intersections between sexuality and disability. Articles cover all aspects of sexuality – from sexual health to pleasure – and a wide variety of disabilities and illnesses. Content is relevant to academic researchers, therapists and social workers, healthcare providers, and all other professionals working with people around sexuality, disability, or both. Learn more, read abstracts, and subscribe for full-text access.

Center for Research on Women with Disabilities this center is part of the Baylor Colleege of Medicine, and conducts research to “improve the health and expand the life choices of women with disabilities.” Areas of research include:

  • Sexuality and reproductive health
  • Self-esteem and other topics related to psychosocial health
  • Health behaviors, including weight management, physical activity, and smoking cessation
  • Secondary conditions
  • Access to health care
  • Violence and abuse

Click here to read research findings, learn about health and healthcare disparities for women with disabilities, and find links to other publications.

Make your Services Accessible. Learning modules for organizations and businesses to work with a variety of communication needs. [learn more here]

Sexual Device Manual. Written by and for healthcare professionals wishing to support the sexualities of their physically disabled clients. [Read the manual here.

Sexual Respect Toolkit. Practical approaches to starting conversations with patients or clients about sex, sexuality, and intimacy. Includes guidance for solving sex and intimacy problems, and printable posters for waiting rooms to show that talking about sexuality during their visit is welcomed and encouraged. learn more here